Myopia Control in Kids

As parents and caregivers, protecting our children's health and well-being is our top priority. This includes safeguarding their vision. Just like adults, children can experience vision problems, including myopia, or nearsightedness. The good news is that there are effective ways to manage myopia in children, and Atlantic Eye Care & Spa in Pampano Beach, FL, can help.

The Importance of Early Myopia Detection

Regular eye exams are crucial for children's eye health, and myopia management is a key reason why. Left undiagnosed and untreated, myopia can cause difficulties for children. For example, some children with untreated myopia may exhibit behavioral changes, such as acting out or struggling to focus in school, due to blurry vision.

Early detection and intervention are essential for effectively managing myopia. During a comprehensive eye exam at Atlantic Eye Care & Spa, our optometrist can assess your child's vision and determine if they have myopia. If so, we can discuss treatment options to slow the progression of the condition.

Treatment Options for Myopia in Children

There are several treatment options available for myopia in children. These include:

•             Atropine eye drops: These drops are believed to slow the elongation of the eyeball, a factor contributing to myopia progression.

•             Orthokeratology (Ortho-k) lenses: These specialized contact lenses are worn overnight and gently reshape the cornea, improving vision during the day.

•             Soft multifocal contact lenses: These lenses can provide clear vision at all distances and may help slow myopia progression.

Myopia Control Starts with Atlantic Eye Care & Spa

Myopia is a common condition, affecting nearly half of the population according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. If you live in the Pampano Beach, FL area and have concerns about your child's vision, schedule an appointment with an eye doctor near you at Atlantic Eye Care & Spa. Our friendly and experienced optometrist can provide a comprehensive eye exam, discuss myopia control options, and ensure your child receives the best possible vision care.

As parents and caregivers, protecting our children's health and well-being is our top priority. This includes safeguarding their vision. Just like adults, children can experience vision problems, including myopia, or nearsightedness. The good news is that there are effective ways to manage myopia in children, and Atlantic Eye Care & Spa in Pampano Beach, FL, can help.

The Importance of Early Myopia Detection

Regular eye exams are crucial for children's eye health, and myopia management is a key reason why. Left undiagnosed and untreated, myopia can cause difficulties for children. For example, some children with untreated myopia may exhibit behavioral changes, such as acting out or struggling to focus in school, due to blurry vision.

Early detection and intervention are essential for effectively managing myopia. During a comprehensive eye exam at Atlantic Eye Care & Spa, our optometrist can assess your child's vision and determine if they have myopia. If so, we can discuss treatment options to slow the progression of the condition.

Treatment Options for Myopia in Children

There are several treatment options available for myopia in children. These include:

•             Atropine eye drops: These drops are believed to slow the elongation of the eyeball, a factor contributing to myopia progression.

•             Orthokeratology (Ortho-k) lenses: These specialized contact lenses are worn overnight and gently reshape the cornea, improving vision during the day.

•             Soft multifocal contact lenses: These lenses can provide clear vision at all distances and may help slow myopia progression.

Myopia Control Starts with Atlantic Eye Care & Spa

Myopia is a common condition, affecting nearly half of the population according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. If you live in the Pampano Beach, FL area and have concerns about your child's vision, schedule an appointment with an eye doctor near you at Atlantic Eye Care & Spa. Our friendly and experienced optometrist can provide a comprehensive eye exam, discuss myopia control options, and ensure your child receives the best possible vision care.
